I am an old~fashioned girl living in a modern world and I am a home school mom of three boys named Cainen (9) Jonah (7) and Hudson (9 months) My passion in life is to raise Godly men with a Biblical World View. We use the Charlotte Mason method. I adore Miss Mason's educational philosophy! We enjoy unit studies, notebooking, lapbooking, timelines, narrations, and lots of "living" books (twaddle free). I love the Lord and His written Word and delight in sharing His blessings of our world.
So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
Deut 11:18-19
Raising Up A Generation Of Godly Men
My Favorite Books On Homeschooling
A Biblical Home Education: Building Your Homeschool on the Foundation of God's Word
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
I lOVE.....
My beautiful three boys,
Cainen(9) Jonah (7) and Hudson (8 months)
kissing their sweet cheeks,
the country,
the color purple,
frozen mocha drinks & jumba juice citrus squeeze
scrapbooking & vintage altered art,
sleeping late in the morning,
a clean, sweet-smelling house,
a cool, candlelit room,
shopping for antiques,
fresh sheets and towels,
classical music,
the ocean breeze,
the book pride & prejudice,
the 1800 &1700's,
exquisite food,
a restaurant called Sequoia,
victorian mansions,
walking in the rain,
the beach,
horse drawn carriages,
anything vintage,
top hats,
shabby chic,
riding horses,
the theatre,
being on time,
the forest,
stepping back in time,
the sound of the violin,
french architecture,
the symphony,
ballroom dancing,
writing romance novels,
the lost art of letter writing,
Staying at a Bed & Breakfast,
talking to my dear friend Wenddie,
studying God's Word,
... and most of all, I love Christ Jesus, who is truly my saving grace.
Ideas are held in that thought-environment which surrounds the child as an atmosphere, which he breathes as his breath of life...." ~Charlotte Mason
Cainen's 3rd Grade Curriculum
~Winter Promise~
American Story 2, Animal Habitats & Language Arts 3